Fatiras studios, taking into account the instructions of the Ministry of Tourism for the implementation of new health protocols in tourist accommodation of the country in view of their reopening in the context of the new reality created by the COVID-19 disease, proceeds to the preparation of a Protocol.
The Protocol includes the development of an Action Plan and the development of a Suspicious Case Management Plan within the accommodation.
The aim of the Action Plan is to prevent the occurrence and effective management of suspected cases to limit the expansion to staff and guests, always in accordance with the current guidelines of the National Public Health Organization. The Action Plan complies with the recommendations of EODY and will be revised according to developments.
The aim of the hotel with the Action Plan and the Suspicious Case Management Plan is on the one hand to protect its staff and guests and on the other hand to guide its staff to take the necessary measures to prevent and protect against COVID-19 disease.
These include:
Personal Hygiene Measures and Personal Protective Equipment
We take measures for the implementation of good personal hygiene practices (both by employees and third parties) in the workplace and oversees their continuous implementation. Specifically:
Informs and encourages staff and third parties to comply with good personal and respiratory hygiene practices (washing - hand cleaning, nose and mouth covering during coughing or sneezing with a tissue, etc.).
Provides suitable facilities such as sinks for hand washing and required materials - means, such as antiseptic solutions (in the form of liquid, foam, gel, soaked wipes) to employees and installs appropriate mechanisms for hand antiseptic at the entrances / exits and in common areas emphasizes the cases where employees come in contact with the general public.
Provides the personnel with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (masks, face shield, gloves, etc.), in accordance with the specific instructions / directions of EODY, the National Committee for Public Health Protection and decisions of competent bodies.
Supervises the adequacy of PPP stocks.
It trains the staff for the safe use of PPE based on the instructions of EODY and supervises their correct use.
Supervises the arrival of third parties (eg customers, partners, distributors, etc.) at the accommodation and informs them to avoid overcrowding, to ensure compliance with the required distances and to use PPE.
Informs and trains the staff regarding the special instructions for cleaning in case of an outbreak. Specifically: a) the person remains in his room with the door closed, b) he is immediately given a simple surgical protective mask and tissues, c) if there is an attendant who wishes to stay close to him, a simple surgical mask is given and a recommendation is made to wash the his hands meticulously after any contact with the suspected case and not to touch his face, d) the entry of staff members into the room is prohibited and only one staff member deals with the client's requests, e) the used personal protective equipment is discarded in a closed bucket, f) after disposing of the protective equipment, a thorough hand washing follows.
During the arrival, a daily thermometer is taken.
Accommodation Archive and Event Book
For the purposes of public health protection, the management of the property shall keep a record of staff members and all persons staying at the hotel (name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details such as address, telephone, e-mail) in order to become It is possible to communicate with close contacts of any COVID-19 case, which may be identified a posteriori.
There is the care and safety provided in the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection (GDPR) and all visitors and staff are informed that a record is kept for reasons of public health protection.
There is also a recording and updating of the service and event book.
Every member of the hotel staff strictly adheres to the basic safeguards against Covid-19. Specifically, employees must apply good personal and respiratory hygiene practices:
Frequent washing of hands with soap and water for at least 40 seconds, definitely before and after contact with money or customer items, before meals, before and after work breaks, after visiting the toilet and carefully drying hands with disposable paper towels and dump them in the trash. Alternatively, use alcohol-based antiseptics containing